The Noise Test for Power Models
The HMAC strictly adheres to the advice given in the BMFA members handbook that “the noise testing procedure noted in the DoE noise code of practice for the minimisation of noise from model aircraft should be followed carefully”.
Every powered model must have an HMAC noise test certificate before it may be flown at Rye Meadows. A model must also be re-tested following changes of engine, muffler, or propeller specification. The noise test procedure is described in the club rules pages.
Noise tests and model inspections are carried out by appointment. A committee member shall carry out the mandatory ground test. Two club member testers are required to carry out the optional air-test, at least one to be a club committee member; neither shall be the owner or pilot of the ‘plane being tested. Please contact the committee member tester(s) from the following list:
Ben Bates
Andy Mawman
Ben Reynolds
Bernard Morris
Antony Redding
Alan Reynolds
Martin Smith