Club Constitution

1. The club shall be called:- THE HEREFORDSHIRE MODEL AERO CLUB

2. The Club shall be affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (The Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers Ltd.)


  • To foster and encourage the sport of building and flying model aircraft of all types.
  • To provide tuition and instruction in all aspects of the hobby.
  • To endeavour always to provide reasonable facilities for the pursuance of this sport.
  • To support, and where practicable raise funds for, Local Good Causes and Charities.


  • The Club will be administered by a Committee with Officers as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and as many other committee members deemed neccessary. These to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Chairman and Vice Chairman will be elected by members of this committee. A President and Vice president will be elected by the committee before each AGM.
  • The Committee will meet as required but a minimum of six meetings each year. At any meeting four [4] shall form a quorum. Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a request is made for voting by ballot. The President and Vice President may attend meetings and also have voting rights. The meeting chairman will have casting vote only In an emergency and/or to avoid delay a meeting may be conducted by telephone or by electronic communication (e.g. e-mail) providing as many members as possible are contacted and a majority vote obtained. Such proceedings to be recorded by the Secretary to form part of the Club’s records to be ratified at the next committee meeting. (added 24/04/2008 per AGM-approved amendment slip 1/2008)
  • The Committee have a Duty of Care to provide as safe facilities as possible for Members and a Duty of Care to Property and Public.
  • Any six [6] Members can, by giving notice in writing to the Secretary, request a Special General Meeting be called, stating the reason for such an action. and the Secretary shall convene such a meeting not later than one month after receiving written notice.
  • Any changes to Club Rules must be decided by a majority vote of a full Committee not by a Quorum.
  • All payments, other than day-to-day running expenses on behalf of the Club shall be sanctioned by a quorum of the Committee, and the Treasurer and Secretary shall sign on behalf of the Club.
  • The Club’s Financial Year shall end on the last day of October and the Annual General Meeting shall be held within four [4] weeks to receive the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, to elect Officers and Committe and to transact other business.
  • Only those adult members of HMAC who are registered members of the BMFA are eligable to vote at AGMs and other general meetings.
  • In the event that HMAC should cease to operate and be wound up the following actions are to be taken:-
    • after liqudating club assets and settling creditors any surplus from this and any other Club investments should be donated to those charities currently benefiting from Club Donations.


  • Membership will be by invitation only.
  • Membership shall be by way of an initial enrolment fee and an annual subscription with reduced amounts being paid by Young Members who are under 18 as at 1st January in the year of joining. The total fee will include the BMFA element and this element contains BMFA membership and Third Party Insurance. Any Member who joins the BMFA via another club will, on production of a current BMFA membership card, have the BMFA element deducted from their total subscription.
  • The subscription must be paid by 31st December to ensure continuity of Club Insurance and Membership.
  • The amount of enrolment fee and subscription shall be reviewed annually at the AGM and revised as required.
  • The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any prospective member who in their opinion would not be a suitable person to become a member.
  • The Committee reserves the right to recommend to an Extraordinary General Meeting, after due notification to all Members, that a Member be expelled from the Club; the final decision being that of the Meeting. Fees would be refunded for the remaining full quarters of the year.


  • Only persons who have been a Club Member for a full year may be elected to the Committee.
  • Only persons who have been a Committee Member for a full year may be elected as an Officer of the Club.
  • The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy in an Office or on the Committee during the year in addition to the power to co-opt on to the Committee any member for any specific purpose. A co-opted member would have no voting right.
  • Any Committee person not attending three consecutive Meetings subject to normal courtesies shall cease to act as a Committee person and the Committee shall forthwith fill the vacancy under the terms of the preceding rule, at the discretion of the Chairman.

No amendments or additions shall be made to the Constitution except by a majority vote at the AGM other than when an emergency requires a postal vote by Members.

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