Child Protection



Within this document “children , juniors and junior members” are defined as persons under 18 years of age.

A vulnerable adult is defined as a person of 18 years of age or over but through mental or physical attributes requires a higher level of supervision than would be normally commensurate with an adult member.

A responsible adult is defined as a senior member or parent/guardian who has the clearance, experience, knowledge and training commensurate with the type and degree of supervision required.

Responsibility for children, juniors and vulnerable adults is shared between the parents, guardians or carers and the club members and must be familiar to all concerned so that they are aware of the division of responsibilities. This policy is therefore published to all members and is displayed on the club website and in the clubhouse. All carers, parents, and other relevant responsible adults will also be alerted to its contents.

The rules of the Club in this regard are:

  • All members, parents, guardians and carers are to comply with Club policies and guidelines for the promotion of welfare and care of children and vulnerable adults.
  • Junior members and vulnerable adults must be supervised at all times by their parent , carer or guardian. At no time shall a Club member be alone with a junior or vulnerable adult, whether on the field or in transport to or from the field.
  • Junior members under 14 years of age shall not start an engine or carry a model with the engine running unless they are supervised by a responsible adult.
  • No child or vulnerable adult shall undertake any activity which might place him or her at risk. Prior consultation with parent or guardian must take place if there is any doubt as to a member’s abilities to undertake a specific activity.
  • No senior member is to be expected to assume responsibility for a child or vulnerable adult unless he/she has been specifically authorised in writing by the parent, guardian or carer.
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, any member discovering a child or vulnerable adult unsupervised must assume responsibility for that person’ s safety in the first instance. The situation should be rectified as soon as possible by seeking out the appropriate responsible adult. Any such instance is to be immediately reported to the secretary and a record made of the event.
  • Should any parent, guardian, carer or member have concerns about the welfare of children or vulnerable adults then he or she is to contact the Club Secretary or any of the Helpline numbers displayed in the Clubhouse and attached to this policy statement.
  • All members are required to respect the rights of children and vulnerable adults and to promote their welfare. This is a responsibility which is essential if HMAC is to remain in a position to offer opportunities for all.
  • Club Instructors will be cleared through the Criminal Records Bureau utilising the BMFA Group Scheme.


Club Flying instructors should hold either a BMFA approved instructor or BMFA registered Club instructor qualification and should ensure that their instruction and knowledge are to current best practice.

Instructors must put the well-being and safety of the trainee above the development of performance and should follow all the BMFA’s appropriate guidelines.

Instructors should develop an appropriate working relationship with trainees (especially children and vulnerable adults) based on mutual trust and respect and must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward, nor abuse their position of trust.

Instructors should, at the outset, clarify with the trainee exactly what is expected of him/her and what the trainee can expect from the instructor, where appropriate in close consultation with parents or carers.

Instructors must comply with the Club’s policy on Children and Vulnerable Adults and must not permit themselves to be alone with a child or vulnerable adult at the flying site or in transit.


  • HMAC Club Secretary: 07736960643
  • Childline: 0800 1111
  • NSPCC: 0800 800 500
  • Herefordshire Social Services (Children): 01432 261605, 01432 261639
  • Herefordshire Social Services (Adults): 01432 261627
  • Local Police: 08457 444 888
  • (Emergency): 999
  • BMFA General Manager: 0116 244 0028
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