Air Navigation Order
You will all be aware of the recent publicity around drones and the fact that Government felt that it had to act.
CAP 1687 was amended to, in particular, introduce restrictions on flying Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUAs) in the vicinity of certain airfields. Fortunately, that does not affect HMAC activities as we do not fly near such an airfield.
However, CAP 1687 has been further amended by CAP 1763 which introduces the requirement for the CAA to bring in some form of registration for operators of SUAs (over 250 grams) and for some means of assessing competency of such flyers. These changes are due to come in from 1st October and 30th November this year.
As you will no doubt have read, the BMFA and other bodies are working to try and ensure that our established proficiency schemes and membership arrangements will be sufficient but work is still continuing. Whether any additional fees will be involved to suit the new regime is still largely unknown.
All members are encouraged to read these CAPs. They are readily accessible on the CAA website and will become part of the mandatory question list for BMFA A and B test under the category of knowledge of the ANO.
Bernard Morris, Club Examiner.